Frequently Asked Questions
How does a shear subscription work?
So, is a shear subscription basically a lease?
Well, kinda, but no. A lease would bind you to a specific shear, whereas a subscription offers you access to a range of shears. Simply flip between shears as you wish. You're signing up with us, not the shears.
Is a shear subscription right for me?
It’s a personal choice, but here are 8 reasons why a subscription might make sense for you:
Which shears are best for me?
Can't decide? No problem. We can help. Check out the linked blog post that helps you weigh the ins-&-outs: Everything You Need to Know About How to Choose Hair Scissors

Should I choose a 4 or 6-month subscription?
This depends in large part on the number of clients you see per week. A 6-month subscription will save you a few bucks each month, as we share the savings from less frequent sharpening and shipping costs, but when in doubt, we suggest electing the 4-month subscription and reevaluating after your initial subscription term.
Are your shears good?
(You do realize you basically just asked the barber if you need a haircut, right?) Heck yep our shears are damn good and your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our Premium Shears are crafted from the highest quality Japanese 440C steel, which is a step up from most shears used today. Our Elite Shears take it up a notch with coveted, high carbon Japanese VG-10 stainless steel. We could go on and on, but instead, don’t take our word for it - check out what other subscribers are saying: Subscriber Reviews
Can I buy a shear from you?
Yes, but frankly, doesn’t a subscription (that includes the price of routine sharpening!) make more sense? If you’re not convinced, that’s ok. Retail prices are displayed on each product page – let us know if we can help.
What happens if I damage or lose a shear?
Our technicians will repair a damaged shear at no cost to you. If the shear is irreparable or lost, then the subscriber is responsible for replacing the shear for $100. Yes, the replacement cost is far less than our retail prices, but we’re not here to profit off of accidents and misfortune. Sure, when a shear is damaged or lost, we take it on the chin too, but let’s not dwell on what’s done. Let’s get you a replacement shear promptly and focus on what’s important. Cool?
Can I switch my subscription frequency if I change my mind?
Yes, of course. The best time to do this is shortly prior to your subscription cycle’s auto-renewal, but we’re flexible, so if you want to switch sooner than that, just let us know.